Data & AI

Avec une vision claire et adaptée, mettez en place une gouvernance de la donnée qui assure une exploitation cohérente et responsable de vos informations, en phase avec vos objectifs stratégiques. Profitez d’un data management solide pour garantir la précision, la conformité et la sécurité de vos données, et transformez-les en leviers concrets d’amélioration des performances. Industrialisez la collecte et le traitement des données pour des décisions plus rapides et plus éclairées.

Business meeting image

The challenges of data and AI transformation

are numerous: whether you’re looking to personalise the customer experience, optimise your processes, detect weak signals or extract valuable insights from your data, we can help you configure tailor-made AI models that respond precisely to your business challenges (marketing, finance, operations, etc.).

Our vision of Data

The need to exploit data is everywhere, not only across the different business lines, but also in the interactions between sectoral and economic players, from suppliers to buyers, from brands to end consumers. The issues and challenges are numerous: defining governance, data quality and security policies. Collecting and processing data efficiently. Training artificial intelligence models. Exploring, analysing, presenting and visualising data in the form of enlightening dashboards and reports to guide business optimisation.

Our raison d’être? To amplify the value you can derive from your data, and ultimately your own raison d’être. We’ll help you make the fundamental choices you need to make to get the most out of your data assets. We are at your side to help you make a success of your transformation to a Data & AI driven company. We set up the organisational framework and data structuring to guarantee efficiency. Our data analysts collect, clean, enrich, transform and present your data. Our data scientists build models and reports to optimise processes and enhance your analyses. We help companies at all levels of data maturity and whatever their business, from the development of their data strategy to operational implementation, to make the most of their data.

Our 3 pillars

Data strategy and governance

Opportunity study, monitoring and acculturation

Definition of ambition and roadmap for data and AI marketing

Adoption process & Change management

Data Intelligence

Construction of algorithmic models and reporting

Co-development of models with Google

Implementation of a neural network to evaluate emotions

Audience scoring & attribution model

Data processing

Organisational framework and data structuring

Architecture design & deployment

Data collection, cleaning and enrichment

Data management & data transformation

Our ecosystem

Our Data and AI support

Répondre à un besoin de personnalisation, d’optimisation d’un process, d’identification de signaux faibles, d’extraction d’insights de vos documents et données …

Pour cadrer les processus, les rôles, les usages, les règles et les responsabilités sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur de la donnée.

Optimisez la performance de vos processus grâce à nos expertises et nos outils partenaires de gestion des données. 

Évaluez la conformité de vos IA au règlement européen IA Act, encadrez les processus et mettez en œuvre les bonnes pratiques autour de l’Intelligence Artificielle.

Transformez votre entreprise en intégrant stratégiquement les données et l’intelligence artificielle (IA) au cœur de vos processus métiers et vos services.

If you have a project in mind, meet our experts


Partner, BU Data


Director​, BU Data


Director, BU Data

Article written by Etienne Cartier, BU Data Director

Axys unveils its new voice emotion recognition (SER) technology exclusively in Les Echos.

Article written by Marc Mironneau, BU Data Director

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