Data and CSR governance

Since the NRE law and, more recently, the PACTE law, issues relating to Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) have been shaking up the operational models (partnership vigilance, circularity, etc.) and financial models (cost of capital, expenditure on reducing carbon impact, etc.) of large organizations.

Stakeholders are increasingly demandingcommitment and transparency regarding the Environmental and Social impacts of corporate activity, and their Governance (ESG).

The European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) replaces the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), and will apply progressively from 2024 for large companies listed on a regulated market. This directive imposes more stringent sustainability reporting requirements.

This delegation is reinforced by the dual tropism, financial (SRI) and carbon neutral (ZEN) of the EU Taxonomy, adopted in June 2020. This Taxonomy establishes a classification system for environmentally sustainable economic activities .

Our support services (Data)

  • Structuring CSR governance
  • Analysis of processes, data and applications
  • Definition of target governance vision
  • Data collection / ingestion
  • Data storage / availability
  • Data quality enhancement
  • Creation of collaborative dashboards to manage CSR actions and indicators
  • Implement actions to clean up information systems and calculate CO2 savings.

Les succès de nos clients

Our partners

Power BI


A project to entrust to us, meet our expert


Director, Data ad CSR governance expert

Our support in CSR

CSR roadmap management and deployment

Today, being a purchasing function professional means all of these things. At Axys, we help companies align the skills base of their Purchasing function with today’s challenges.

Properly defined, prioritized and monitored non-financial indicators are essential for reporting on CSR initiatives. And to assess the progress made.

Sustainable purchasing

Do you have a project in mind ?

Transforming your organization is a complex challenge requiring strategic vision, specific skills and unfailing responsiveness.

Axys is committed to meeting your needs as quickly as possible, and to providing you with customized solutions tailored to your specific challenges.

Join the Axys family

Joining Axys means being part of a collective where we are proud to promote diversity and equal opportunities within our teams. Our differences are our strength!

Are you looking for a new challenge? We offer you an enriching candidate experience based on exchange and transparency. Axys is also an inclusive recruitment process that promotes difference and diversity.

Nos accompagnements en RSE

Pilotage et déploiement de la feuille de route RSE

Aujourd’hui, être un professionnel de la fonction Achats, c’est tout cela à la fois. Chez Axys, nous aidons les Entreprises à aligner le socle de compétences de leur fonction Achats aux enjeux actuels d’une fonction Achats.

Axys vous accompagne dans la structuration, le pilotage et la valorisation des Achats Responsables en intégrant des pratiques inclusives, la réduction de l’empreinte carbone, et des engagements sociaux et environnementaux.

Accompagner les organisations dans l’audit, la gouvernance et l’architecture de leurs données RSE, tout en concevant des tableaux de bord collaboratifs et en adoptant des pratiques Green IT pour un numérique responsable et durable

Un projet à nous confier ?

La transformation de votre organisation est un défi complexe qui demande une vision stratégique, des compétences spécifiques et une réactivité sans faille.

Axys s’engage à répondre à vos besoins dans les plus brefs délais et à vous fournir des solutions personnalisées, adaptées à vos enjeux spécifiques.

Rejoignez la famille Axys

Rejoindre Axys, c’est faire partie d’un collectif où nous sommes fiers de promouvoir la diversité et l’égalité des chances au sein de nos équipes. Nos différences font notre force !

Tu recherches un nouveau challenge ? Nous te proposons une expérience candidat enrichissante basée sur l’échange et la transparence. Axys c’est aussi un process recrutement inclusif qui prône la différence et la diversité.