Sustainable Purchasing

Our support services (Data)

  • Build and formalize the Purchasing Department’s policy and commitments with its internal and external stakeholders.
  • Use ISO 20400 and the RFAR approach to identify, prioritize and launch your actions.
  • Professionalize your purchasing function in line with current challenges and best practices.
  • Identifier les indicateurs pertinents selon votre contexte et les centraliser au sein d’un outil unique et fédérateur.​
  • Monter ou ajuster les plans d’améliorations.​
  • Communiquer avec les parties-prenantes sur la base d’éléments factuels.​
  • Orienter et valider les décisions stratégiques de l’organisation.
  • Identify your service providers who can meet “Socially Responsible Purchasing” criteria.
  • Quantify and enhance your impact with your stakeholders.
  • Organize more inclusive sourcing and diversify your panel.
  • Measure the carbon footprint of your value chain.
  • Meet regulatory challenges (BEGES, DPEF, CSRD declarations).
  • Respond to internal requests (DG, marketing, HR, etc.).
  • Establish conditions for dialogue and progress plans with all stakeholders.
  • Integrate social and environmental issues right from the sourcing stage.
  • Secure your purchases by analyzing risks and opportunities by family, and drawing up associated action plans.
  • Strengthen your local impact by identifying service providers located close to your sites.
  • Reinforce your Green Mobility policy.

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Our support in CSR

CSR roadmap management and deployment

Today, being a purchasing function professional means all of these things. At Axys, we help companies align the skills base of their Purchasing function with today’s challenges.

Properly defined, prioritized and monitored non-financial indicators are essential for reporting on CSR initiatives. And to assess the progress made.

Accompany organizations in the audit, governance and architecture of their CSR data, while designing collaborative dashboards and adopting Green IT practices for a responsible and sustainable digital environment.

Do you have a project in mind ?

Transforming your organization is a complex challenge requiring strategic vision, specific skills and unfailing responsiveness.

Axys is committed to meeting your needs as quickly as possible, and to providing you with customized solutions tailored to your specific challenges.

Join the Axys family

Joining Axys means being part of a collective where we are proud to promote diversity and equal opportunities within our teams. Our differences are our strength!

Are you looking for a new challenge? We offer you an enriching candidate experience based on exchange and transparency. Axys is also an inclusive recruitment process that promotes difference and diversity.